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Archive Audio - Windows Server 2008

Michael Clark
Southwest Area General Manager - Microsoft

On Wednesday February 27th 2008, Microsoft will be releasing three products geared at the computer professional working in the home office, mid to medium size office as well as the corporate level enviroment. The product we wanted to get information on was the latest Microsoft Server platform, Windows Server 2008. Along with this release comes a new Visual Studio 2008 package as well as SQL Server 2008.

With the release of Microsoft Server 2008 comes eight different versions to take care of most server needs with a variety of features on each platform. Among the key factors of each deployment is built upon a solid foundation, virtualization, web and last but not least, security. It really doesn't seem to be a long time since Server 2003 was released and the product still has a solid following. Server 2008 however addresses the security issues for the system administrator and builds on the changes that have been encountered with server software in the last 5 years.

Available on the 27th is Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition, Enterprise, Data Center, Web Server, Server 2008 for Itanium, HPC Server,  Standard without Hyper V, Enterprise without Hyper V and Datacenter without Hyper V.  Hyper V relates to the Virtual Server roles which can be set up on the Server 2008 without the need for third party software.

We just received our copy and haven't broken the seal yet to take it for a spin however we did talk with Michael Clark on some case studies and reasons why system administrators should look at this new server software to get even more for your client systems and on the server side itself. A great resource can also be found on the Microsoft website for getting the training and information to get the most out of the new software.

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