About Broadway

Photo of Broadway from TechtalkRadio.Com

Just another fat bald guy that thinks he knows everything about IT. Wait, this is a bio? OK! I am a Service-Connected Disabled Veteran, Proud father of four, a fantastic husband to one of the dumbest women in the world. I mean come on! Who would stayed married to me 30 years and counting? Blessed beyond belief. Put here by something to make someone feel a certain way. That is good right? Oh, I must show some type of credentials in the field? Over 28 years working in IT.

After my service in the US Army, the wife and I moved to Palm Springs, CA. This is when Andy and I met. Since that time (93) my career moved around the US doing jobs ranging from PC Building & Repairing, setting up Internet Service Providers, IT Operations, Program & Product Manager for a global retail chain, finishing up as a Director of Global Data Distribution for a global network company.

Wanting to slow things down and raise our family away from the Silicon Valley, we moved back home to Texas and started our own IT Company (2000). The wife still owns and operates that company, while I play video games, talk trash, make jokes, and overall behave like one of her kids. She loves raising kids so please no judgement 😉. Since I have known Andy the longest, it is my privilege to offer you all the unlimited brain capacity that the other hosts have. I will literally just serve as the jokes and troublemaker of the bunch. 😊

All jokes aside, it’s a pleasure to share and make others laugh…